Mountain Rose Sheepadoodles
Mountain Rose Sheepadoodles
Mountain Rose offers mini, medium, and standard size Sheepadoodle puppies for sale. Our Sheepadoodle puppies have superb temperaments along with eye-catching looks and a history of long life. These highly desirable traits don't just happen by accident. We have spent many years doing research, performing DNA tests to help ensure good health and bloodlines, and we have tracked many of our Sheepadoodle puppies into adulthood. As a result, we have gained a greater knowledge and understanding of our Sheepadoodle breeding program. We have become experts at parent pairing, knowing expected offspring colors, coat types, and temperaments along with the assurance of knowing our puppies will grow into beautiful adult dogs that will live long healthy lives.
Sheepadoodle Puppy Price
$3,500 (Regardless of size, color, or gender).
Because we are also professional trainers as well as breeders, there are specific things that we do for our puppies and our new puppy owners that are just not offered or available through other breeders including our 10-year health guarantee and our highly valuable Puppy Temperament Testing.
You can learn more about what is included by clicking the link below.
Skip the early puppy stages and bring home a fully trained Sheepadoodle. No house training worries or leash-tugging nightmares! Just enjoy your very own, magnificent, well trained Sheepadoodle family member!
Application and Deposit
- Puppies and reservation positions are only available to approved depositors.
- Start by filling out a Puppy Adoption Application.
- After we review and approve your application, you'll be given the opportunity to submit a deposit. Once we receive your deposit, your name will be placed on the Master List of Depositors according to your preference.
Master List of Depositors
We have 3 depositor master lists, which are separated according to the projected adult size of the Sheepadoodle puppies... Mini (25-40 lbs), Medium (40-60 lbs), and Standard (60-80 lbs). Once we receive your deposit, your name is automatically added to the general master list in the size category of your choice. When we announce a new upcoming litter (confirmed pregnancy) in your size category, we'll notify you of the opportunity to transfer from the general master list to the specific upcoming litter offered. Please be aware that once you are notified, it is "first come - first serve". We do not have a seniority ranking on our general master list. If you're able to make a quick decision as to whether or not you wish to add your name to a specific litter offered, you will likely gain a top pick position on that litter.
Puppy Pick Day
Depositors that have their names listed on a specific litter will choose their puppies once they reach 6 weeks and 2 days of age. We ask that the first person picking their pup give us their choice by 10:00 am (Mountain Time Zone), then we'll proceed to the #2 depositor and so on. Usually, most of our depositors are ready to give us their choice right away, so the process is usually done within an hour. We require that all picks be confirmed by email so that there is no confusion. So, once it's your turn to pick, please email us your puppy pick and we will immediately post your choice on the litter page (REAL TIME - Immediately).
Puppy Payment
After everyone chooses their pup, we will email you an invoice to pay the balance on your pup, including shipping and training if applicable. You can pay by credit card (we add 3% to cover processing fees charged by our on-line merchant - PayPal or Square), or you can avoid the 3% processing fee by sending us a check by mail or by sending your payment through Venmo. Either way is just fine with us. When sending a check, please mail the check right away so that we can receive your check prior to making arrangements for shipping and/or training if applicable.
Puppies Go Home @ 8 Weeks
Our sweet little puppies are ready to go home at 8 weeks of age. Please keep in mind that we are not able to let our puppies go home sooner than 8 weeks of age. It is important that all puppies have the opportunity to spend the first 8 weeks of their life with their mom and siblings giving them a chance to socialize and be properly weaned between 7-8 weeks of age. **** If you have enrolled your puppy in our training program, your pup will go home at 11 weeks of age, or at another time as may be agreed.
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